Saturday, August 16, 2008

Because There Is No Centred Market A Particular Currency Does Not Have An Individual Exchange Rate

Category: Finance, Currency Trading.

The trading of individual worldwide currencies is the primary function of the foreign exchange market.

The U. Dollar, Euro, Yen, Swiss Franc, Australian Dollar, Pound Sterling, and Canadian Dollar are the currencies that are involved in the greater number of trades, but many additional denominations are exchanged on a lower scale. The U. Dollar is involved in over 90% of all exchanges on the forex markets. The major markets, the U. The forex market is, despite the popular impression, a composite of several contrasting markets, each of which sustains its own rules and regulations, with no one centred market in which all currency trading takes place. S. , London, open during different, and Tokyo hours because of the different time zones.

Because there is no centred market a particular currency does not have an individual exchange rate. When the New York market opens, and while the European markets are still operating, is when trading is heaviest and nearly two thirds of the trading action happens during this convergence. Although they are usually fairly close to one another, the bid and ask rates for a currency can vary amid different geographical markets and market makers because of the over- the- counter( OTC) nature of the markets. The price of Euros in U. Each currency has an international currency code that is displayed by a trio of letters and since the price of a currency must be given in relation to another currency, it is expressed in the form XXX/ YYY. The strongest currency when the pair was created is generally the first in the pair and known as the base currency, and the other currency is called the counter currency. Dollars is written as EUR/ USD, for example.

The actual prices are displayed in decimal form and are typically rounded to the nearest ten- thousandth of a unit. Trades lasting less than a week are the norm in forex trading, which is largely a speculative, short- term market. Making up the biggest marketplace in the world, the forex market deal with approximately$ 9 trillion in trades every day. Much more so than equities, the forex market is an exceedingly liquid market because of the many traders encompassing the globe and the very high daily turnover it. Called the interbank market and comprised of international banks, the trading deals that occurs among them furnish the marketplace with bid and ask prices that are far meaner than retail clients can expect. Yet almost 75% of all trading volume comprises the top ten most active traders. In 1972, at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, that are derivatives, forex futures contracts, were introduced and now make up around seven percent of the all foreign exchange volume.

To counteract the slump in the price of a currency and any possible losses they may have to tolerate investors often buy these derivatives, which are resolutions to purchase currency at a particular price on a future date. Foreign exchange options are another acceptable hedging procedure that has also been adopted. A further way traders can mitigate risk is by an exchange, in which both parties concur to switch one currency for another for a determined period of time, and will then revert the transaction after the period expires. The forex market is ensured into the future and its growth all but guaranteed because of its popularity amongst the international companies, prominent banks and financial organisations. The foreign exchange market is a fast- paced, international currency exchange that is without contention amid financial markets.

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